"Let Medicine be thy Food and Food be thy Medicine"
Nutrition is the central lens through which Family and Cosmetic Natural Dentistry views addressing whole body wellness. We approach dental health and therefore dentistry through a paradigm of leading the body to get better and stay better. A founding role of medicine should be to guide people towards healthy eating habits.
We have learned to focus so much on fighting bad bacteria that we may have lost sight of those that do us good and help promote good health. We've been concentrating so hard on cavities and gum disease that we've forgotten about the mechanisms in place that make our teeth resilient and help them to constantly repair themselves.
Biological dentistry brings together all these factors: the sensitive biochemistry, physics, and biology of the body. As an organism we have an enormous capacity to heal ourselves and are remarkably good at rejuvenating ourselves once the cause for any disease is removed.
A lifestyle based on healthy, nutritious foods can be seen as comprehensive provisions for the future. A healthy diet is one that provides nourishment and energy in the form of vitamins and minerals from whole foods.

Strong Teeth, Strong Bones, Strong Body

The Sunshine Vitamin,
vitamin D3 is not a vitamin, but a hormone. It is formed on the skin as a result of sun exposure, especially UVB radiation. Here is where the paradox lies. We are told to stay out of the sun due to carcinogenic rays, and only do so with sun protection factors. But even SPF8 reduces vitamin D3 production by 97%.
Dose plays an important role, and it varies based on skin tone. Darker skin needs 6 to 30 times more sun to make vitamin D.3
It is estimated that in northern latitudes 99% of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency.
The recommended Vit D3 daily intake for adults has now been raised to 2000iu per day, but ideally should be more like 5000+ iu daily.
The body's need for vitamin D3 increases tremendously if there are chronic stressors in the body, as well as after surgery.
Vitamin D is crucial for almost every process in the body. It helps the immune system regulate itself, it helps with colds, flus, and allergies.
Vitamin D3 is also the key to healthy bone and tooth mineralization.
Nutrients in the body work in teams. To work properly vitamin D3 needs synergistic action from K2, Zn and Magnesium.
Vitamin D3 is a nutrient that really only comes from the sun, in food you will find added forms of vitamins, such as vitamin D2. This is not a substitute and has no real benefit to the human body.

Nutrition is an excellent adjunct to addressing health concerns (or minimizing risk of future health issues) and we encourage you to add whole foods and targeted nutrition to your health journey!
Jessie Black NC, MS -our certified nutritionist can help you! She has a background in integrative nutrition and can tailor recommendations to specific goals or just for you to achieve YOUR perfect health.
Please check out Jessie 's website to learn more about her at www.jessieblacknutrition.com
There is no single dietary approach that is ideal for every person. Rather, your individual and cultural background, medical history, personal health goals, and dietary preferences are ESSENTIAL to finding the best diet for you. Nutrition needs and preferences change over time, and Jessie is passionate about helping you find the tools and resources to create long-lasting and sustainable habits that support your own unique needs.

Magnesium is the ultimate relaxation mineral, and it regulates over 300 metabolic processes in the body. Deficiencies are very common, and just small increases can ease headaches, migraines, improve muscle tension and cramps and help sleep quality.
Magnesium together with vitamin K2 and zinc plays a top role in bone metabolism and tissue building, and is required for the activation of vitamin D3.
Magnesium is also involved in almost all detoxification processes the body and is responsible for keeping the heart rate regular.
A co-factor in blood sugar regulation, magnesium improves insulin sensitivity.
Stress depletes magnesium stores very quickly.
A great way to get our bodies replenished with magnesium is through using foot baths or whole body soaks with epson salt or magnesium chloride flakes.
Magnesium is found mainly in dark, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, and avocado.​

Vitamin C is the ultimate super vitamin. It is the most important nutrient to boost the function of the immune system.
Fruits and vitamins are a great source of vitamin C. Foods that contain the highest form are beet root and rose hips. Since vitamin C is highly acidic it is incompatible when directly in contact with teeth and gastric mucosa. In combination with other foods this should not be an issue as the the localized acidity will be buffered. Drinking citrus juices such as orange and lemonade is not recommended as they are usually packed with sugar.
Vitamin C is indispensable for tissue building and amazing for wound healing or when signs of inflammation occur such as bleeding gums. It plays a crucial role in strenghtening the immune system, has antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is one of the main antioxidants in the body. Vitamin C is an anti-stress vitamin and is crucial for the production and regeneration of adrenal hormones.
It is important to know that the body's requirement for vitamin C is much higher under stress, for smokers, athletes, and after surgery.
The daily requirement is regulated by our stool, as too much vitamin C will be excreted by the body. 2-3g per day of buffered or liposomal form is what I consider a good routine. Before during and after dental surgery higher doses have been proven to be very beneficial in preventing infection

Zinc is a very important co-factor in also over 300 different metabolic processes in the body. Zinc improves wound healing and can aid in many skin conditions such as eczema.
Deficiencies in zinc are all too common. Whenever signs of inflammation are present such as bleeding gums or intestinal mucous membranes inflammation such as ulcerative colitis zinc
should addressed.
Together with vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and magnesium it plays a key role in bone metabolism and isa co-factor for many enzymes in the detoxification cycle.
Zinc has an important effect on the immune system by stimulating it to regulate itself better.
Among many other actions zinc is also involved in blood sugar regulation and hormone production. It has been proven to increase testosterone levels in men.
Zinc in its most bioavailable form is found in grass-fed meats such as lamb, beef, and chicken. It can also be found in plant based foods such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, chickpeas, lentils, and avocado.

Healthy bacterial flora
The healthier the mouth and oral microbia, the healthier the digestive track, immune system, and body are as a whole
Probiotic foods- foods that are good for a healthy microbial flora help with the best utilization of nutrients and energy. Unhealthy, and especially sweet foods favor growth of bad bacteria in the mouth and intestines. Sugar and other simple carbohydrates that are eaten today in large quantities, are not normally found in nature. In nature sugar comes in its own natural shell, such as fruits. Eating the shell provides the fibers to balance the sugars and the microbial environment. Industrialization has given us access to white refined sugar and ground white flour in excess and devoid of its fiber counterpart. Our bodies and teeth are the ones that have to suffer the consequences.
Probiotics which are good for a healthy intestinal flora are found mainly in fermented dishes such as sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and yogurt.
There are times when one may consider taking a probiotic supplement, especially if not routinely consuming fermented foods.
If a round of antibiotics was needed following with probiotics is immensely beneficial. Antibiotics may clear an infection, however they will also wipe out lots of good bacterias along the way. This is why reestablishing a microbial balance is crucial for optimum immune system. health.
Prebiotics are indigestible fibers. These are anti-inflammatory, improve mineral absorption, and serve as food for our intestinal bacteria. Naturally they are found in a variety of plants such as garlic, artichokes, onions, and asparagus. In supplement form it can be found made out of phsyllium husks, guar gum, and FOS. A supplement that contains both pre- and pro-biotics is the ideal solution.
Focus on Eating REAL Food
· Shop the perimeters of your market for nutrient-dense whole foods.
· Go organic. Choose as much organic veggies, fruits, legumes as your budget allows.
· Choose organic grass-fed and pastured meats and wild, small and sustainably farmed fish
· Stay local. Farmers Markets and CSA’s are great opportunities to procure high quality fresh food